Legal Services

Have legal questions? Get legal answers from experienced lawyers at discounted rates. Attorneys help with traffic tickets, bankruptcy, divorce, and spousal and child support. Additional services are also available at no cost to you!

  • Free services* include one-on-one consultations, attorney-made phone calls, help with legal documents, assistance with welfare and INS, representation in small claims court, and a Simple and Living Will
  • Attorneys only charge $125 an hour or 40% off their hourly rate, whichever is greater
  • 10% off all contingency-based cases
  • You’ll be referred to plan attorneys based on location, language and area of law



Sample Savings

The following are eight commonly used legal services for which plan attorneys have agreed to charge a one-time, deeply discounted fee:

Legal Service Average Cost Legal Club Cost Savings Percentage
Traffic Ticket Defense $199.00 $89.00 55%
Name Change $1,100.00 $155.00 85%
Simple Will With  Minor’s Trust $530.00 $250.00 53%
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy $1,500.00 $750.00 50%
Non-Support (Spouse/Child) $1,490.00 $275.00 82%
Simple Divorce $1,100.00 $275.00 75%
Corporation (Regular) $585.00 $295.00 50%
Personal (Non-Commercial
Real Estate Closing)
$675.00 $250.00 63%
National Average Discounted Rate Savings Percentage
Hourly Rates $204.00/hour $125.00/hour 40%


Deeply Discounted Legal Services*

*Court costs, filing fees and time charged for travel to and from any courts are additional.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change attorneys for whatever reason?

  • Yes. Call the number on the back of your membership card for a new referral to a participating attorney anytime.

What areas of law are available?

  • All areas of law are eligible for the discounts; including but not limited to, simple traffic offenses to more complicated custody, criminal and civil suits.

Are family members eligible to receive these services?

  • Yes. This benefit may be used by you, your spouse and legal dependents.

Where can I find a complete description of benefits?

  • Click here for more information.


*In certain situations, attorney liability may require plan attorneys to ask for a retainer prior to providing some of the free legal services.